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WordPress vs custom website: Which one is better for your business in 2024?

  • Post published:21 June 2024

Do you want to create a new website? Wondering whether to use wordpress or go for custom website design? WordPress is among the most popular CMS, content management systems in the whole world. It is an extremely powerful platform. As it powers around 42% of websites in the world. The wordpress CMS has come a long way. This is in short duration. There are tens and thousands of themes on wordpress. Also plugins. And this helps users create stunning websites. 

So, users can develop the perfect site. But now the question is why a user would choose to create a custom website. Well, at times, custom website design makes sense. And there are a lot of other times, the WordPress seems to be the best solution. 

The default wordpress installation is immensely powerful. But sometimes you intend to customize the site. Something out of the box. You want to create a site from scratch. So, you might wonder whether to choose wordpress vs custom website. This is to turn ideas into reality. As you tend to be confused between wordpress theme vs custom website design?

So, in this blog post, let’s explore pros & cons of wordpress vs custom site. Whether to use WordPress or hire a web designer to create your perfect site? Keep reading as this post will help you to decide the perfect option for your business. And also how to get the best out of both worlds:

WordPress vs custom website: Why choose wordpress website?

Many people make different choices every day. this is in between the WordPress. Or to create custom websites. what is the meaning of these two?

let’s have a look at wordpress website & custom design:

Why choose wordpress website?

Let’s start with the basics: what is WordPress? The wordpress is an open source CMS. Also, it is user-friendly. And it is used to create websites. And e-commerce stores. So, wordpress is the obvious choice for several creators. As this platform makes it convenient to create powerful sites. And this to within short time.

There are two different ways to assess this powerful platform. The first is to download. And also install on your own. this is when you know how to set up what you are hosting. And how to work on the backend. So, the majority of users find it easy to use a managed host. The one that meets unique wordpress needs. This includes all options of optimization. the choice of this method is for obvious reasons. The system carries installation on its own. And user can simply focus on the conversions.

WordPress website vs custom website: wordpress benefits

Initially, wordpress is a free website tool. And originally developed to create blogs. But evolved with time. And users used to build websites. The main thing about using wordpress is that it requires basic web knowledge. there is no writing of codes. Or no need to Hire Web Designer to create the site.

WordPress website vs custom website? what is a custom website?

The custom website is built from scratch. But through the use of HTML and JavaScript. Or other programming languages. anything that makes exact website objectives and goals. So, with a custom website, there is no use of prebuilt templates. As users get tailored websites. That utilizes innovative design, color scheme & layout. And everything else that matches the unique brand story. there are several reasons people use custom websites. 

The main is customizability. this is useful for anyone starting with zero. they can create custom pages. The one with the exact look as well as the functionality they require. So, this is a tempting option. especially for the ones who are required to create a complex site. Or wants somewhat unique pages, forms, or navigation. you need to hire wordpress development company. this is to create the custom website as per specifications.

Custom website vs wordpress: Pros of custom website

some benefits to use custom websites include:

  • 100% flexibility
  • high level of customization
  • Quick page loading speed
  • greater security
  • more robustness

WordPress vs custom website: Why choose wordpress website?

wordpress vs custom website: a detailed comparison

Now it is time for you to take a decision: wordpress website vs custom website? weather to hire a website designer? there are a few things that small businesses and bloggers need to consider. This is when comparing the two. let’s have a look:

WordPress vs custom website: design and flexibility feature

The wordpress is an open-source CMS. So, this means the user can create features. this is using plugins. So, they can customize the website on WordPress. This is done through plugins. 

Through their installations & you can get greater flexibility. however, the user is limited to some extent to themes and templates. do you want to add custom functionality? if yes then you need some coding.

The custom website is completely flexible. So, user can add any feature, design, or functionality. As this depends upon the specific needs of the business.

WordPress website vs custom website: Performance & security

the wordpress plugins are external coding. So, it is less safe. The hackers target wordpress sites. this is to steal the data. so what is the way to protect a wordpress website against hackers? this is through the use of SSL encryption on-site. And simply makes it HTTP. So, wordpress and custom websites provide a quick and safe platform. And extraordinary User experience. 

The custom website coding is cleaner. comparison to the wordpress website code. Also, users can make convenient UX improvements for the wordpress website. But custom websites can be coded. This is for a fantastic User experience.

custom website vs WordPress: cost and time needed

The wordpress is an affordable option. as it provides free-to-download software. And wordpress website cost depend upon hosting fees. Also, a theme that you choose and plugins. As plugins have a monthly or annual fee. but in general, the wordpress website is cost effective. Also, it takes less time to create a wordpress website. Lesser time, to make it up and running. 

The themes and plugins you use provide many options. As the functionality you require is out of the box. The custom website is more expensive. As it requires so much work. also, you need to hire a professional website designer. 

The custom site creation takes a longer time. if the developer has many contracts to look at. but it all depends on the web developer you choose and your project type.

WordPress website vs custom website: Search Engine Optimization

Organic traffic & SEO have several benefits. This is for small businesses. And include brand awareness. Also helps to generate leads as well as conversions. This is one of the best ways to get your website noticed. By search engines like Google. The content SEO includes keyword research. also, content creation & Optimization. And SEO is the same for wordpress and custom sites. 

In terms of technical SEO, a custom website has the edge. This is in dealing with the aspects for example rendering. And also website architecture. You can optimize the custom site to the maximum. This is possible with proper coding. however, this means an increase in cost.

WordPress website vs custom website: maintenance feature

The website creation is not a single-time activity. Users need to work on the website continuously. or at least add content. Also, there is ongoing SEO maintenance work. The wordpress has an easy learning curve. this is for both beginners and nontechnical people.

 So, user can do WordPress website maintenance on their own. this is in contrast to a custom website. You depend upon the website developer. this is to regulatory update the site. So, the owner has less control over the custom website. And this marks up overall cost.

wordpress vs custom website: support feature

Do you have issues with the wordpress hosting/ theme? in such a situation you can contact the provider. Or theme marketplace. This is to acquire help for troubleshooting. there are extensive communities. Plus the forums for wordpress online. this lets you solve any of your queries and seek answers to questions you have in mind. But in a custom website, there is one support from the developer and coder. 

So, if you can maintain the website and troubleshoot the same, wordpress is a good option. but you don’t want to deal with site issues. And outsource everything to a professional web designer, then go for a custom site with coding.

you may also like to read: Custom WordPress Development: Best Strategies & Guide 2024

Conclusion: Midway solution: custom wordpress website design

Undoubtedly wordpress is a top platform to create websites. it is a powerful CMS. And comprises of several attractive themes. Also, users get the functionality with third-party themes and plugins. looking at a wordpress theme vs a custom website design, one cannot go for the midway solution.

 The custom website brings best of both worlds. and thus user gets a unique branded site. And this is without paying hefty fees to the designer. you can also use the WordPress developer platform. This gives you the benefit of wordpress vs custom website Reddit. 

This platform allows you to create a website from scratch. and this is with the exact specifications that you need. Also, you can add any functionality to the pre-existing website.

Hire wordpress developer from our company App Tag Solutions

Hire wordpress developer from our company App Tag Solutions. trust industry leading performance and unmatched up time of our custom website developer!

We help to design and create a wordpress custom website that helps to grow your business on a large scale! contact us to hire wordpress developers from our company!

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

WordPress website vs custom website: what is the difference between the two?

The wordpress website is built with editable templates. this is to launch the site fast and at affordable rates. the custom website is different. It is designed from scratch. And this is without the use of any templates. 

So, there is a need for coding knowledge. As it is more costly than WordPress. And takes a longer time.

Why I should use WordPress to create my website?

whether you use WordPress or a custom-coded site depends on your unique needs. Also, your budget for Website design. wordpress is a great choice. Especially when you want an easy-to-use platform for small business websites. this plate form is Ideal. As it does not cost much. And you quickly launch a professional-looking website. And there is no need for coding knowledge.

Custom website vs WordPress: what is the meaning of custom website?

The custom website is the website built from scratch. Also, needs coding. This is through the use of programming language. for example HTML, CSS & JavaScript.

WordPress vs custom website: Which is better for an E-Commerce site?

Both WordPress and custom websites are effective. wordpress comprises plugins for example woo-commerce. And custom website helps to create tailored E-Commerce solutions.

Can I build a custom site on WordPress?

The wordpress is powerful CMS. And it has options for personalization. the custom websites are not built with premade themes & plugins. 

The custom wordpress website is a good option. you can customize the wordpress theme or template. And can create a tailored wordpress site. This perfectly matches with needs of your brand.

How much does it cost to develop a custom wordpress website?

The professional charges between $3000-5000 to design a custom wordpress website. And custom website matches your business needs. do you want to add other functionalities? if yes then the cost goes up accordingly.