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React Native Vs Swift: Which One To Choose For Ios App Development In Year 2024?

  • Post published:18 March 2024

Are you planning to develop an iOS app? Do you have this question in your mind,” React native vs Swift, which React iOS app development platform I should use?” This is a digital age and the mobile apps are serving as very crucial tool for the businesses to stay connected to their target audience in the competitive marketplace. The choice of the right app development framework is very important as Android-based devices have having Market base of greater than 70% and Apple iOS has around 28% of the market share according to the quarter-third Statistical report of the year 2023. 

There is an ongoing debate that has been taking place on the choice of React Native & Swift for a long time. Of course, it is an important consideration for determining the overall success of your mobile application and ultimately your business. While choosing between React native vs Swift, you need to consider every iOS app development platform’s specific features, advantages, limitations & other aspects. This will guarantee that the decided strategy will be perfectly fit with the target audience as well as the future objectives and goals of your business. 

Both frameworks whether React Native & Swift are fully capable enough to execute the iOS app development in a very effective manner. However, there are many factors as well as parameters that the developers should keep in mind by crafting their unique iOS application while distinguishing the specifics of the iOS programming language.

 So in this blog, let’s try to explore the differences between Swift vs react native and what are the considerations you should keep in mind while choosing the most appropriate app development framework for you. Let’s take a deeper dig and understand the comparison between React Native vs Swift in the year 2024:

What is React Native?

At first, any of new person will get confused in between react native and simply react. However, before deciding to pick up a specific language, it is important to know the underlying and basic differences between React Vs React native. Once you achieve clarity about this, it will become very easy for you to decide to choose to react native for your app development. As far as the React native is concerned, it is actually the JavaScript framework that has been specifically crafted as well as supported by the technical giant Facebook. This programming language has been put forward for the creation of cross-platform mobile applications for the acceleration of mobile development procedures.

 The React native utilizes JavaScript and this is one of the most commonly applied languages in the whole globe which is ahead of the swift. JavaScript provides the code reusability feature which facilitates the developer to share up to around 70% of the whole coding between different platforms. As a consequence it will help the developer save their developmental time as well as achieve cost reduction during cross-platform application development.

With the help of the robust React native app development, you will be capable of writing the code for both Android as well as iOS applications. At the same time, UI elements will also be included in the native versions. And this pertains to the React native iOS application utilizing the same native UI just like the native iOS application.

 Leading applications developed by using React Native

  • Facebook
  • Walmart
  • Bloomberg
  • Instagram
  • SoundCloud


What is Swift?

Swift is a modern as well as compile programming language that is developed as well as maintained by the Apple open-source community for the creation of a native iOS application for every Apple device. Being released in the year 2024, Swift is already considered as a multi-paradigm as well as the general-purpose language. Swift has been developed for the creation of the iOS application for the watch OS, Mac OS, PV OS as well as other Apple-powered devices. So, the ultimate goal of Swift is to acquire greater attention from the developers community worldwide for iOS development services.

 Also swift provides the most concise and expressive syntaxes and the programming interface is quite interactive. Initially, the swift was developed to replace the objective- C. As it was the programming language developed by Apple company. Thus, its code practices are quite convenient. Also, there are no loopholes practically, and in recent times it is one of the best techniques for developing IOS applications and has already acquired immense attention in the field of mobile app development services.

 Some of the leading applications developed using Swift

Here are a few of the popular and leading brands’ mobile apps that are developed using the Swift platform:

  • Twitter
  • Lyft
  • Test Center
  • Slide Share
  • Airbnb

React vs Swift: What are key differences: A detailed comparison

The critical and most noteworthy difference between React Native Vs Swift is the suitability of the react native for cross-platform development. While at the same time, Swift is the foremost choice for the development of native iOS-based applications. Let’s determine the factors in order to contrast between React native vs Swift.

 In this manner you will be able to determine the most appropriate platform for the development of your iOS application in the year 2024:

React vs Swift: Performance factor

The performance of the React native vs Swift is dependent upon several factors; for example GPU speed, memory utilization, CPU consumption, and several others. while talking about the comparison between the two platforms, react native is beating Swift on the parameters of memory usage as well as the GPU speed. At the same time, the Swift interface is ahead of CPU consumption from the React native. Apart from that, mobile app developers conveniently embed the native quotes within the React native apps and can also utilize several of the tools forming the tasks.

Swift vs React Native: User interface

Swift is facilitating mobile developers to design the most attractive user interfaces as well as extraordinary user experiences for iOS-based platforms through the utilization of the SwiftUI. This will allow an entirely different native-like experience. On the other hand, react native relies upon JavaScript libraries for the creation of user interfaces. This will allow the developers to create unique elements for some of the specific platforms. However, there will be requirements for adjusting to the transformation within the native environment.

React Native vs Swift: Stability factor

As far as a stability factor is concerned, the Swift is very well known for its stability. As it is going to handle the most complicated of tasks as well as the visual effects in a very efficient manner. This is the reason why this platform is serving as a trustworthy provision for the iOS app development process. The React native which is very famous for its cross-platform framework, is working across several of the platforms with the ultimate goal of using the internal APIs as well as the libraries. This would sometimes add layers to the procedure and can also impact the stability factor.

IOS React vs Swift: Coding speed comparison

React Native, JavaScript as well as the well-structured language back is acting as the most accessible as well as user-friendly programming platform. It is quite straightforward with the easy learning curve which is greatly benefiting the developers. As they will be in a device position a solid codebase in a swift manner. Swift simplifies the process of crafting native iOS applications. Swift is using all its advances over objective C to make the whole of the app development procedure smoother along with being time efficient.

Swift vs React Native: Learning curve

While looking at React Native for iOS app development, the developer community all across the world finds this procedure very simple, sophisticated, and convenient. However, the web development procedure is different from the application development. Thus, the developers are not finding that much ease while using the React native platform. However, react native comprises detailed documentation as well as the most extensive libraries which help the developers easily learn the language.

In contrast to that, Swift comprises a cutting-edge learning curve. The Apple company has already come forward with the official documentation that facilitates the learning of the fundamentals, features, and application of the language. at the same time swift is comprised of a very amazing feature which is known as Swift Playgrounds which provides a seamless smooth learning curve even for newbies who have no technical experience in the field.

 Swift vs React Native: Platform Maturity

while communicating about the platform maturity and drawing a comparison between React Native vs Swift, both of them are quite nascent in the app development industry undoubtedly. The React native platform was released in the year 2015 a year later after Swift in the year 2014. Both of these are welcomed by the developer’s community owing to their robustness along with their regular version updates.

React vs Swift: Developmental cost

This is one of the most crucial differences between React vs Swift. So in case you are looking forward to the iOS app development, then hiring a react native developer is quite cheap. Apart from that also you will not be able to ascertain much of the difference while hiring either a single programmer for both the Swift as well as the react native programming languages.

You can later build up a team of developers, and this will prove to be quite cheap. The best part about react native is that there is no compromise on the quality of the project in addition to being quite cost-effective as well. Well, undoubtedly this proved to be a win-win situation for the businesses in the long

Swift vs React Native: Availability of developer

In today’s time, the JavaScript language has become quite popular among the community of developers, and thus it has become so convenient to find JavaScript development experts. However, in comparison to React Native, Swift language is relatively new and it might be difficult to find a professional Swift developer or they may be charging more.

 When I should use React Native?

It is best to choose react native under the following conditions:

  • When you will be requiring the creation of both iOS as well as Android applications within a limited budget
  • the application will need hot reloading for quicker development
  • you will be required to create cross-platform applications

When I should use Swift platform for iOS development?

You can use the Swift platform as the primary programming language under conditions:

  • You are required to create the application for iOS platforms only
  • The application needs high memory management as well as complicated UI
  • The intended application requires the native features of both iOS as well as APIs


As far as the comparison between Swift vs React Native is concerned, both of the platforms are facilitating the creation of premium quality mobile application products. Whether to choose the extraordinary benefits of Swift or React Native, depends on the user’s requirement and a case-to-case basis. The React native provides a fast platform development procedure. 

As far as Swift is concerned, it is extending unmatched access to the native Apple ecosystem features. If the critical factors are code reusability and portability, then react-native should be your ideal choice. It facilitates the validation and launch of your iOS application on two distinct platforms in the duration that is taken to create a single native application.

 Looking at swift, it is excelling on the delivery of the truly native iOS experience. it is serving as the best choice while targeting iPhone as well as iPad users. It is very crucial to match the decision that you take with the goals of your business making the right choice between React Native vs Swift. With a thoughtful approach, you will be able to maximize productivity while at the same time delivering an extraordinary User experience.

Hire our leading react native app development company, App Tag Solutions

Being a leading react native app development company, App Tag Solutions, can help you to understand all the intricacies existing between React Native vs Swift in order to choose the most appropriate platform for your next unique mobile app development project. Hire our react native developers and dedicated React Js developers today to kickstart your mobile app development project!

Frequently Asked Questions( FAQs)

  • Is Swift platform better than React Native?

The answer will be dependent upon type of the mobile application you want to build and what features you are looking for. React native is the most appropriate choice for crafting iOS applications along with the creation of the Android app. Looking at Swift, it is quite dispensable whenever it comes to the creation of complicated applications along with the creation of applications for Mac OS, tvOS, as well as watchOS.

  • Which platform is providing faster development: Swift vs React?

The React native is providing faster development owing to the cross-platform capabilities. It is also facilitating code reusability across the iOS as well as the Android platform. The Swift is focused on native iOS development. This is potentially needing additional effort for the achievement of cross-platform compatibility. The react native hot reloading capability the flexibility in adoption iterations during the developmental process.

  • What I should choose react native vs Swift for developing mobile applications?

You can choose react native for cross-platform application development which is time-efficient for release in the market, and fits into your budget while providing an expensive audience reach. Alternatively, picking up Swift is better for iOS application development with the complicated graphics as well as the need for optimizing the memory.