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UX Vs UI Design, what is difference between them? 2024 Guide

  • Post published:29 December 2023

The User Interface(UI) as well as the User Experience(UX) are two terms you might be hearing interchangeably in the technology circle. But have you ever thought about what these terms mean and what it means to become a UX/ or UI designer? Although these terms are used interchangeably they have different meanings. In this blog post, let’s take a look at what these two terms mean, what is how  UX vs UI designs work together, and what the difference between the two, and we will also be discussing what factors make the best UX.

What is UX(User Experience)?

The ultimate aim of any product created is to satisfy the end users. As it does not matter how good you have come up with the product, unless and until the end user is fully satisfied. So it is the user experience that is the crux. The UI is considered the process to improve product satisfaction, and in several cases, it is the app. So, it can be accessed through the boost in the performance, accessibility along with the overall usability of the app.

Overview about UI(user interface)

Looking at the User Interface, UI is all-inclusive of the usability of the application. In the case of any solution which is having an extraordinary UI, this pertains that it is comprised of top-notch and user-friendly features. UI includes all the interaction that is taking place between the users as well as the application. However, it is not encompassing the aesthetics of the app only but at the same time functionality.

Differentiation between UX/UI

Crafting a product that people simply love requires a combination of both a good user experience and a user interface. For example, you could have designed a messaging app that looks amazing and has intuitive navigation, and UI. However in case it is loading slowly or makes the user click through several screens to message someone, UX, then it does not matter how good it looks, the user would not be interested in using it.

On the other hand, if you create a website which could be loaded fast and is having very unique, and helpful content, and everything is organized in a very logical as well as intuitive manner, but the user is not able to figure out the manner to move in between screens, or scrolling through the options available, then in such situations, they will be moving away from this specific site.

Tasks & responsibilities of UX and UI designers: What do they do?

Both the UX vs UI design play a crucial role in the product development cycle.
Let’s have a look at the task as well as the responsibilities that are undertaken by UX & UI designers:

UX designers

These are the professionals who will be focusing on the experience of the end-user file creating the product. So the goal is to make the end product functional, accessible, useful, and enjoyable for the user. Although the term user experience is mostly associated with digital products, it can also be used while designing non-digital items as well as services.
Let’s have a look at some of the common tasks that are performed by UX designers:

  • Carrying user research for identification of the goals, requirements, behavior as well as the pain points during the product interaction
  • Crafting user personas based on target customers
  • Creating wireframes as well as prototypes for honing, how the actual product will look like
  • Performing user testing for validating designing decisions and identifying problems
  • Collaboration with stakeholders, UI designers as well as developers

UI Designers

The UI designers are crafting the graphical portion of the product like mobile apps, sites as well as devices. So this includes all the elements that the end user is directly interacting with. However, Unlike the User experience which applies to any sort of product/ service, the term  UI applies exclusively to digital items.
Let’s have a look at some of the common tasks and responsibilities that are undertaken by UI designers:

  • Organization of page layouts
  • Choice of color palettes as well as fonts
  • Designing interactive elements for example scrollers, buttons, toggles
  • Creating high-fidelity wireframes as well as layouts to show how the final design looks like
  • Working in close association with developers to convert design into a final working product

Relation & interaction between UX VS UI design

The UX vs UI designs work hand in hand. Several product examples can be cited in which both designs are working together. Having an efficient UX vs UI design is working just like the cherry on the cake of the user experience. When you are trying to hire a UX designer, then you can expect them to conduct user research and figure out what are the features of the application and how the user journey mapping will be done.

Is there anything like UX/UI designer?

While searching for the user experience on job listing sites, you will come across businesses that are searching for UX/UI designers. Some companies can actually look for professionals who have both skill sets. When you start looking for roles of UX and UI designers, and have a look at the listings, you will get to know that both the roles are leaning toward one another.
Whenever you start searching for UX/UI designers, pay more attention to the tasks as well as the qualifications that are listed under the specific job titles.


As far as the UX and UI designers are concerned, they are of course having the skills that are in common. But each role requires a unique and distinctive skill set. Some of the skills of the UX designer include product strategy, user research, information architecture, testing as well as iteration. The portfolio of skills that UI designers should have includes color theory, typography, designing patterns, and others. The common skills that should be imbibed by both the UX & UI designer are empathy, creativity, collaboration, design thinking , prototyping, and many others.

Educational Qualification

The degree is not always essential for becoming a UX/UX designer; however, this is surely going to open up innumerable new opportunities for you. So some certain institutions and colleges provide degree programs specifically for becoming  UX & UI designers.

UX vs UI salary structure

The salary for both roles is dependent upon some factors which include the nature of the product, company, industry type, experience level as well as location. On average looking at the UX & UI professions in the United States are providing a salary structure in a similar range. However, there is increased demand for UI designers in some of the industries excluding web and mobile domains. This includes the automotive businesses as well as medical equipment.

 What features make the best User Experience, UX?

The development of the application through the implementation of the incredible UX requires the right mindset. So the right tactic is to have a fantastic user experience and this is possible through the design thinking methodology. Also, it is important to know about the app business model, and how it is going to fit within the broader context of the life of the client. Just like any other UX, mobile applications & also require flawless design. Let’s find out the factors that can decide upon the best user experience:
The UX design is operating with some of the features in mind:


Whatever the product or service is designed, the first consideration is whether the customer is requiring it or not. So it is the greater depth of information as well as the originality that serve as the usefulness criteria.


This is another factor in whether the product service or application is aesthetically pleasing. It is a dynamic element and UX vs UI design should focus on the images as well as branding.


Is the site or application found by the user? Is it easy to use? What about the internal navigation can it be utilized properly for finding information or making the Purchase as much streamlined as possible?


Are all the users experiencing the products or services in the same manner or not?


This includes the consideration of factors for example quality, and reputation and this is very important for building the trust of the user. Also, social proof and online reviews is what the customers look for in order to measure the credibility of the product/ service in today’s time.


Is it valuable? This is another criterion to look forward to as the customers are prioritizing several different aspects of the experience over the others. We can consider the value working as the most idle mix of all the variables.

UI is just one component in the entire user experience journey!

The UI is also considered as the interface design. And it is linked to the aesthetics of the website, design elements, colors, placements as well as fonts. The UI overlaps with the desirable as well as the usable factors in the UX but this is only a representation of the customer’s digital interactions.


Hopefully, this blog post help you to clear your long steering confusion revolving around UX vs UI design. What has been covered today is simply the tip on the Iceberg. There are many things common to both the UI & UX and there are basic differences between the two also.

So it is very crucial to recognize that UX is something that goes beyond the conventional performance of an app. As far as the UI is concerned, it entails much more than the addition of the buttons. It is very important to develop a synergy between both the UX & UI and this is critical for creating the most successful application.

To make sure that the app developer can grasp all the crucial of the task and stay updated concerning the modern and latest trends in UX vs UI designs. Make sure to hire the best UX/UI design company that has mastery over all the critical elements and can facilitate you to capitalize upon the growing demand of specific of your applications completely!

Hire Talented & Dedicated Ux/Ui Designer From App Tag, Best Ux/Ui Design Devgelopment Company!

Hiring a talented and dedicated UX/UI designer can help you improve the functionality of your product, making it convenient to use and ensuring better interaction with the end user. Being the best UX/UI development company, our team fully understands the immense potential of the User experience and brings decades of application design experience into practice to provide you with specifically crafted UX vs UI design solutions that can help your unique app to stand out.

Hire our professional and dedicated UX/UI designers to get your website/ mobile app designed through attractive and clutter-free interfaces.
Get ready to hire dedicated and experienced UX/UI designers from us in order to create the world-class UX vs UI designs! For free no-obligation consultation, get in touch today!

Frequently asked questions(FAQs) 

  • Are UX,UI distinct or same? 

Both the UX, and UI designs are interdependent on one another yet they are distinctive fields. The UI is specifically meant to address the interactive element towards the surface level. While looking at the UX, it encompasses the entirety of any product, service, or specific experience. Although there is an intersection which is existing between both UX/UI designers, every role has its own unique skills, rules, and responsibilities that separate one from another. 

  • Is UI better than UX or not? 

The UI and UX are different yet interconnected aspects of any design. Each of the elements is playing important role in crafting an exceptional digital experience. 

  • Who earns more, UX or UI designer? 

Both UX or UI, user experience, and user interface designers are highly valued for their distinct skills in the field of design. However the, UX designer may have slightly better earning potential owing to the environment in caring the user research, strategy designing as well as problem-solving aspects. 

While at same time highly skilled and talented UI designer having specialisation in visual designing, intricate interface elements as well as interactive design can also fetch competitive pay packages. 

  • What all skills are needed by UX designers? 

The UX designers need to have that knowledge in the specific domain of competency. For example the knowledge on how to use Adobe Creative suite. Some of the Other skills that they are required to master include research, synthesis, via framing prototyping as well as visual communication. Also, some soft skills need to be incorporated like time management, teamwork, curiosity, collaboration, and communication.

  • Does UX, design need coding or not? 

The UX design does not make it compulsory to process the coding skill. However, having the knowledge of the coding basics would be quite beneficial.