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Laravel vs Symfony: Which framework to choose in year 2024

  • Post published:29 January 2024

Are you looking forward to developing your website for your business? If yes then this sounds like a great decision. Definitely in the competitive landscape of today’s time each business needs to achieve an online presence to reach customers globally. So the decision to create the new website will require you to look at the high-end web development services and this is something which is altogether a different approach. And the most crucial step in this regard is Laravel vs Symfony to choose the right framework for your development process.  

The PHP hypertext preprocessor framework is one of the most compelling and the data is based on its own. Globally, more than 79% of websites are using PHP programming for development. And this is the reason today PHP is one of the widely recognized and accepted languages among the community of web developers globally.

Do you have a question in mind about which one is better- laravel vs symfony? Do you want to know what are the features, and highlights of the laravel symfony and most importantly What are the differences between the two.?

Keep reading the blog in order to find all the information that will help you to pick up the right Framework for your website and make the most informed decision.

Which one is better framework for year 2024? laravel or symfony

 Laravel- its introduction and features 

Before you find the difference between Symfony vs Laravel it is important to study each of the PHP-based frameworks one by one. So let’s start with Laravel. It is the top-rated and open-source PHP framework that utilizes innovative as well as the most elegant syntax, supporting the MVC architecture. Laravel also delivers a quick writing style with the minimum requirement of the configurations. At the same time, this PHP Framework also provides efficient application security solutions along with inbuilt authentication, provision for passwords, and reduction of the risk associated with data hacking as well as Malware.

learn: top 10 laravel development tools for developes in year 2024

Let’s have a look at some of the key features of Laravel

Here are some of the key feature that makes the Laravel framework one of the most reliable framework:

  • Supporting MVC(model view controller) design pattern
  • Integration of authentication as well as session solutions
  • Enriched unit testing standpoints
  • Providing the blade template engine
  • Greater access to tool- artisan command line

Brief overview of Symphony- its introduction and features

Just like Laravel,  Symphony is a Framework that incorporates an array of PHP-based components. It is one of the leading and most remarkable PHP-based frameworks and uses around 14 of the components of  Symphony.

Let’s take a look at the essential features of Symphony

  • Utilizing Twig templating language
  • Providing flexible URI routing
  • Extending ease of development
  • Quickest debugging services
  • Creation of structured MVC

Laravel vs Symphony: Which one is better? Step-by-step and in-depth comparison.

While looking across the recent websites that have been designed and developed, symphony Framework is preferred for driving huge volumes of daily traffic. This doesn’t mean that  Laravel is not good. It is just that Laravel can be a good pick for projects of small size. So there is tough competition exists between Laravel & Symfony, the two most popular PHP backend frameworks. 

Now let’s have a look at their in-depth comparative features one by one:

Performance of Laravel vs Symfony

The websites that are based on Laravel take 60 milliseconds while at the same time Symfony takes 50 million seconds to load. And this means that Laravel has a faster performance in terms of response time in comparison to Symfony. However, in terms of memory usage as well as processing duration,  Symfony is better.

Learning curve of Laravel vs Symfony

The Learning curve of Laravel is quite convenient and this entails that it is quite easy to learn. However, comparatively, the learning curve of Symfony is quite complicated to understand. Laravel has intuitive APIs and this will make it convenient for the developers to learn about documentation as well as provide the necessary support.

Architecture comparison

Laravel is based upon MVC, model view controller architectural pattern while at the same time, Symfony follows both the MVC as well as the model view controller entity, MVC architectural patterns.

Template engine-laravel vs Symfony

The symphony utilizes the twig templating engine which is well known for its extensibility as well as simplicity. At the same time, Laravel utilizes the blade templating engine which provides a robust template as well as the easy-to-learn syntax.

Scalability and modularity comparison

The modular system of Symfony can be scaled as well as tailored according to the unique requirements of the projects. There is a possibility of managing  Laravel with load balancing as well as route caching through the utilization of the artisan command-like tool. The component-based architecture of Symfony provides more flexibility in comparison to the Monolithic architecture of Laravel.

Which is more secure? Laravel or Symfony

Laravel incorporates the inbuilt encryption system which secures the data. The symphony is delivering the granular security provisions which is catching the security vulnerabilities at the initial stage of development. The Symfony is also extending the most advanced security features. In comparison to that, the Laravel framework provides basic security features. And Symfony comes with advanced security. However, both of them are quite good in terms of the security characteristics.

Database support- Laravel or Symfony

Laravel is imbibed with the in-built features as well as the tools for example artisan command line interface which makes the development procedure faster. The routing system as well as the microservices of Symfony are optimizing the web development procedure. Both of the frameworks will be delivering faster performance. However, Symfony is incorporating the advanced feature for optimizing performance.

Code structure comparison

The Symfony incorporates the steeper curve which emphasizes separating the distinct components. The convention of Laravel over the configuration approach is what makes it convenient for web developers globally to initiate the procedure.

Scaffolding tools-  laravel vs Symfony

The scaffolding tool of Laravel Artisan ” supports the models, testing controllers as well as database migrations. At the same time, the scaffolding tool of Symfony known as MakerBundle will be supporting the testing, and database migration as well as security. The inbuilt authentication system of Laravel will lead to the simplification of the additional functionality. However, in the case of the Symfony there are generators for creating the entitles as well as the forms. But the efficiency of both frameworks is good in its way.

Some real-life practical applications of Laravel & Symfony

Laravel real-life applications

  • FedEx

By utilizing the Laravel framework, FedEx has already managed quite a huge volume of requests while providing real-time shipping information to all its clients.

  • Vogue

The templating engine of Laravel will be assisting the Vogue brand in providing the content owing to the extensive library comprising of pre-built components.

  • Tesla

Through the utilization of this PHP framework, the brand Tesla is now in a position to handle several transactions. It is the flexible routing system of Laravel which is assisting out the framework in creating the personalized as well as the most secure user experiences.

Real-life examples of Symfony

  • Spotify

The caching and Optimization of Spotify enable it to deliver the fastest and most responsive user experience along with managing the extensive request.

  • The Economists

The Economists is the Symfony-based PHP framework which is assisting out the brand in creating faster and extremely customizable websites that provide seamless reading as well as a data security experience to users

  • Drupal

This is another extensible architecture of Symfony framework which is facilitating the brand Drupal for buildings CMS along with the deployment of new and innovative features.

Final verdict: Symfony vs Laravel: Which one is better?

Both Laravel as well as Symphony one of the two extremely powerful and reliable  PHP frameworks that are responsible for strengthening the roots of web development services. Although there is no fixed as well as definite answer to the question of which of the PHP frameworks laravel or Symfony is better. The main answer to this question is dependent upon the size of the project.

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So the Laravel PHP Framework is working best on the small-scale web development project. However, under the condition that you want to work on a long-term and complicated web development project then another option, Symfony could be a better choice owing to the stability along with other associated aspects.

Frequently asked questions(FAQs)

  • Why Laravel framework better and more popular in comparison to Symfony?

The Laravel PHP-based framework is quite popular owing to its fast development capabilities, supportive developer communities, extensive and rich features along with ease of usage.

  • Is the performance monitoring of Symfony good in comparison to that of Laravel?

The Symfony is benchmarking in terms of the performance monitoring feature. This is owing to the built-in performance tools for example Debug Toolbar, and Profiler which are making it far more convenient for identifying performance as well as optimizing coding. On the other hand, laravel is delivering the similarity in features however it is less comprehensive in comparison to its counterpart.

  • Is Symfony difficult to learn?

No, it’s not! However, it is challenging for the developers initially owing to its complicated architecture, most advanced features as well as extensive documentation. Also, it may need an experienced developer to create robust web applications.

  • What is the use of Symfony?

The Symfony framework is appropriate in terms of long-term complex website development projects. This is owing to the custom functionality integrating well with the unique web application requirements. The Symfony developers will benefit from the well-organized structure, clean coding as well as good web development procedure.

  • Does Laravel make use of Symfony?

If you are wondering if Laravel is using Symfony, then the answer to your question is yes! The Laravel Framework uses several of the libraries that are directly drawn from Symfony’s components.