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Flutter Performance Optimization Tips to boost App Outcomes in 2024

  • Post published:8 July 2024

Choosing the right platform for app development is pivotal. The cross-platform mobile app development opens the gateway to a wider audience. And this is by making the app available on different platforms, like Android and iOS. Being a leading cross-platform framework, flutter is widely utilized. It tends to simplify & yield efficient results. In this guide, let’s discuss some of the flutter performance Optimization tips in order to create high-performing applications:


The flutter Framework is open source mobile app development. And has acquired immense popularity for cross-platform development. This popular framework possesses the capability to build high-performance apps that run on multiple platforms. However, just like other frameworks, there are some tips and hacks to optimize flutter performance to make it even better.

Top flutter performance issues that developers likely to face

The flutter does not separate business as well as interface layers. This applies that you are unable to use the existing learning curve. And also coding by the developer. It is to ensure there are minimal gaps in coding. And you get well-defined applications.

So, below are some of the performance issues that you are likely to face during flutter development:

  • The coding and overhead usage impacts flutter performance. This includes Dart Engine. And also multiple codes or formulas.
  • The APK size for the Flutter app is bigger in comparison to other approaches. So, you find that it occupies greater space in the CPU and thus, needs a bigger memory share. As it can slow down the device.
  • In terms of the CPU-intensive flutter performance, you notice that this Framework is slower. This is in comparison to the native languages. For example Swift & Objective- C
  • you tend to utilize multiple widgets. This is whenever there is usage of animation builder. Or any of the Other development aspects. So, such widgets can lower the performance of apps. Thus, make sure to identify such widgets. 
  • The interfacing takes place when you use Skia. This is through the Dart engine. And you come across UI lags. And this can slow flutter performance.
  • Sometimes images or other components of the graphic result in the application slowing down.
  • There is no availability of the changes within OS versions. This is upon the Flutter SDK. And this proves to be a gap in the existing flutter development abilities. And impact performance aspects.

Tips on flutter performance Optimization

Do you want to widen the scope of your business? Are you looking for ways to strengthen your foothold in the target market? If yes then with the help of the flutter cross-platform mobile development, you can open the gateway to a wider audience. So now you can learn about the Flutter web tips. And also ways for flutter performance Optimization to enhance its usability: 

Use the latest Flutter version

This is the foremost step in learning how to make high-performance apps. Make sure to use the latest version of the flutter. as it is constantly updated.. Stay updated with the latest version. And take advantage of the improvements. This ensures you build high-performance applications.

Build app with stateless widgets

Do you use too many stateful widgets in the app? This increases the app development time. And also makes app development costly. So, this is among other important flutter web tips. You should use stateless widgets. And not setState. The user then interacts with the stateful widget. This ultimately influences the sub-widgets.

Use constant keywords in code to optimize flutter performance

This is another constant reminder for you. When you want to know how to make high-performance apps using Flutter. Make sure to put in immense constant efforts. Add a constant keyword to your widget. You find that it acts at the compile period. This won’t impact runtime. And won’t ensure slow performance. 

Usage of ListView. builder widget

The ListView.builder widget is a widget of flutter. It imparts a tactic to create and also displays a widgets list. The listview builder widget is among other important Flutter web tips. As it improves the performance of flutter apps. Especially when you deal with a wide data list.

Optimize image loading to improve app performance

One crucial aspect is the utilization of the CacheNetworkImage package. And this is going to catch the images. And reduces the network request number which is needed to load everything. So, you simply use the fade-in image procedure. This improves the perceived performance of the app. 

No opacity widget- another tip to improve flutter performance

Many developers utilize the opacity widget. This is when they create business applications. It is utilized for hiding another widget. One of the crucial Flutter web tips is to rebuild the widget in such a manner that it reconstructs the text to hide the widget.

Find if the code runs sync or async

Do you plan to go ahead with compiling the code? If yes then find if you want to run the code synchronously/ asynchronously. The async code is quite complicated to debug. And this also impacts testing. Along with the app launch duration. Make sure to use this in the code. As it improves readability. And also the execution. So, optimize the flutter app. and boost performance in the long run.

Avoid to use build()

Do you use immense memory? This is when you utilize the build() method in coding. It is to create the interface elements/ widgets. It costs app developers heavily. As it takes up the power of the CPU. So, how to make high-performance apps? The answer is don’t use the belt method in code repetitively. It impacts the flutter performance. And slow down the application. Despite that, use this method to create large apps. But break down the codes into several smaller iterations.

Using state management library

State management is a crucial aspect when you want to know how to make high-performance apps. So, you can use the state management library. And centralize the state of the application. And it also decreases the number of rebuilds needed. This is to update the UI. Some popular state management libraries for the flutter framework are Redux as well as Bloc. Every library has its own pros and cons. 

you may also like to read: Top 10 Flutter Chart Libraries For App Development 2024

Reducing app size

This is another important flutter web tip. Several packages assist in creating the code. But it can bloat app size. So make sure to choose the right package. Or an app bundle that you require to develop your unique app. In this manner, there would not be an increase in app size.

Using right structures

The use of the right structure significantly helps in flutter performance Optimization. So, you can use the List instead of the Map. And this for example becomes more efficient in some specific situations. Like when you require it to iterate.

Using lazy loading

Lazy loading is another way to improve flutter performance. as it involves the delay of loading resources. For example, images, until they are required. Through the use of Lazy loading, just reduce the initial load time of the app.  


The flutter performance strongly impacts the overall downloads and engagement rate. Under the condition when the app is slow, occupies too much space, or is adding to the memory, people would become disinterested in using it. Identifying the issues encountered & resolving them before they actually bug the users is the best technique to deliver an app of unmatched quality. 

With the simple hacks, tools, and techniques at your disposal, simply be ready to create fast, highly responsive, and aesthetically pleasing flutter apps. This delights the end users. And also assist you in realizing individualized business goals . Keep in mind tips on how to make apps high performance, for your next flutter app development project and just witness the difference on your own.

Hire our dedicated flutter developers today!

Are you looking forward to achieving highly optimized and best-performance flutter apps? If yes, then you should partner with our leading flutter development company, App Tag Solutions. Hire dedicated flutter developer to craft secure, robust, well-optimized next-generation applications for your business!

Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

What is the way to speed up Flutter app performance?

Some of the tactics to speed up your Flutter app performance include:

  • reducing the usage of opacity
  • make sure to avoid the division of the widgets into methods
  • bifurcate the codes into smaller ones to receive high performance
  • avoiding rebuilt of widgets

How is the future of Flutter app development?

Flutter has an exciting future in terms of app development. As today the cross-platform framework is increasing in demand. As applications can be created faster & in a budget-friendly manner. And this has made Flutter immensely popular today.

Can you provide some benefits to building an app with Flutter?

There are enormous benefits to building an app with Flutter. Some of the benefits include:

  • hot reloading
  • customizable UI
  • affordability
  • faster development
  • access to all native features
  • rich widgets
  • access to public

What key factors affect flutter performance?

Some key factors that determine flutter performance Optimization include:

  • code efficiency
  • using appropriate widgets
  • state management library
  • handling animations & graphics
  • taking care of network calls as well as memory usage

Why does my Flutters app speed slow on some devices?

Here the device capabilities play an eminent role. Some devices are low-powered devices. And it struggles with the complex UIs. Or a large volume of data. So, make sure to consider the Optimization of the flutter apps extensive array of devices.