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Django vs Laravel: Framework Comparison Guide 2024

  • Post published:2 February 2024

Despite the immense popularity as well as the ever-rising demand for web development, there has always been a huge consideration as well as the advancement that is taking place in the field rapidly. Two common types of technologies have already taken the world of web development by storm Django vs Laravel and both of them pertain to the back-end development system. Looking at Django is a Python-based open-source framework that is meant for web development which uses the MVT(model view template) for design. It is one of the best and most widely utilized frameworks for complex web applications.

An insight look into web development frameworks

According to the Python developer survey which is conducted in the year 2020, Django was found to be the most popular framework which is next to Python. However, among all the existing web frameworks, Django ranks 9th based on the Stack Overflow survey. 

As far as Laravel is concerned, today the number of websites that are active and which is based upon this framework is more than 646,000 and this number is still counting. So you can easily find out that Laravel today is one of the most utilized frameworks in 2024.

So, how to find which framework is right for your unique web development process? Before we dive into the comparison of Laravel vs Django, let’s compare their features one by one and explore the two frameworks in -depth detail:

Understanding Django & Laravel


Developed in Python, the Django framework assists in the creation of digital projects quickly and efficiently. With the inbuilt tools for example SQLite database this Framework is adaptable, scalable as well as fully secure. Considering the setting up of the digital library, social hub, or information site, Django has got almost everything covered. So this will be seamlessly integrated with a distinct front-end framework for displaying an array of the content. Way back in the year 2003, Django was introduced. 

One of the stand-out features of the Django framework is the proactive approach towards the security measure. So it has been developed to guide the developers from common online safety errors while at the same time ensuring that all the websites remain protected. And owing to its widespread usage, finding experts that can access you with your

Django project will definitely be serving as a breeze.

Before we get into the details of different Django vs Laravel and how their performance varies, let’s move into the next framework which is utilizing PHP, and Laravel:


Laravel is another freely available framework that utilizes PHP. This is what makes it extraordinary for all the tasks. For example, it works great for tasks like server side, setup of the HTML sign-ins, as well as designing the templates. It will also be utilising the design pattern which is known as MVC and this makes development of the various applications as well as services quite convenient. 

The Laravel which was introduced in the year 2011 by, Taylor Otwell along with its improved version of CodeIgniter is here to address some of the limitations, and this is especially around the user sign-ins as well as the permissions. Looking at the popularity of PHP, the most important thing is to hire Laravel developers who have extraordinary experience in this regard.

 Difference Between Django vs Laravel

Here are the main differences between the performance of  Django vs Laravel along with the striking features:

 Features/ advantages

Django VS  Laravel 

 Architectural support

Laravel is supporting MVC architecture

 Django uses MTV architecture


Laravel is using Bcrypt hashing as well as protecting against the SQL injection

Django comprises of the built-in secure framework managing user accounts as well as avoiding common mistakes


 Object relational mapper(ORM)

Laravel is utilizing the eloquent, being uncomplicated PHP active record implementation

 Django utilizing a once-on object-relational mapper, facilitating the convenient database management

  Inbuilt laravel development tools & technology

  Laravel uses Debugbar, as well as  IDE Helper along with Laravel Tinker & Laravel Socialite

  Django uses Email systems, algorithm-based generators, different management interfaces as well as verification system


 In,  Laravel  Utilization of the artisan, easy-to-make custom code generators

 In  Django  Compatibility with microservices, providing multi-lingual support

Django vs Laravel- pros and cons & comparison

Benefits of using Django

Here are some of the benefits of using  Django which are quite appealing for the developers:

  • Through the  Django upgrade, it is possible to maintain compatibility with the older version, thereby making sure that the existing websites as well as the application remain functional.
  •  Django is boasting community support. This means that there is radial availability of documentation, support as well as the sharing of the best practices.
  • Django is aligning with the DevOps principles as well as the workflows
  •  Django adheres to the DRY, don’t repeat yourself, and KISS, keeps it simple of the coding philosophies thereby promoting efficient and precise coding.
  • Django lays high emphasis on safety as well as receiving regular updates for addressing any kind of vulnerabilities
  • For the developers, Django usage as well as integration into their projects is quite simple
  • Apart from that, Django is quite versatile thereby performing swiftly across many distinctive project types. The proven track record will provide a comprehensive Toolkit for developers in order to commence the work.

Cons or limitations of Django

Apart from having several of the advantages and key features, there are some of areas in Django that the developers find it quite challenging:

Way of Django

This is actually based upon the specific methodology of Django and this is something that needs adherence to specific paradigms.

Not always lightweight

In the case of the microprojects, the Django framework same to be overkill


This  Django Framework is operating differently in comparison to several other types of frameworks. If the developer is accustomed to variant patterns, then they are required to make adjustments over time.

Code intensity

 Django will sometimes need a more code have we approach in comparison to other types of frameworks

Pros of Laravel

  • Laravel provides several of noteworthy advantages that developers take into consideration like:
  • Laravel has an integrated system for user authentication as well as permissions
  • It incorporates a system for the complete management of emails
  • The Laravel framework optimizes the performance through the utilization of cached memory
  • Laravel is having top-notch and exception management
  • It supports the most efficient automation testing
  • Laravel is enhancing the security owing to the libraries as well as thoroughly checking the code in comparison to the essential PHP. Apart from that, there is also the employment of the security tokens for Counteracting third party as well as SQL injection attacks

Cons/ disadvantages of using Laravel

Despite several of the strengths Laravel provides, there are some of limitations which include:

  • The developers might be finding Laravel a bit costly
  • It is not enjoying the same extensive backing just like Django is doing
  • There is a need of regular updates with Laravel
  • There are some of the other frameworks which are outpacing as far as the speed is concerned

Laravel vs Django- which is better?

Are you looking forward to picking up between Django vs Laravel? Are you wondering whether I should opt for Django or Laravel? Well in this regard, Django seems to be having an edge in some of the areas. 

However, it does not mean that Django is always better than Laravel. If this is the case then there would be very few developers who would be using Laravel. However, the reality is different. Laravel today is one of the most popular and widely utilized PHP web frameworks, and it has more popularity in comparison to Django. 


Apart from that, Django is coming out ahead and we can find out what are the reasons. Looking at both Django vs Laravel, the two of them have their own pros as well as cons. Also it provides different benefits based on the industry verticals as well as the business size. 

The large-scale, security-aware, as well as performance-focused websites, are mostly prefer Django. This is in contrast to the Laravel which will be picked up by small-scale businesses, SMBs, or beginner developers. Both frameworks are capable of supporting applications of a variety of sizes.

When you should choose Django?

Django is shining through the creation of the web application as they will be handling bulk data. Owing to the strong support for the changes in the database as well as the easy-to-use admin interface, of the web application as they will be handling bulk data. Owing to the strong support for the changes in the database as well as to easy use admin interface, the management of the large data sets will become quite straightforward with the help of Django.

When to choose Laravel?

In the situation where you will be requiring the web application up as well as running without any compromise on the specific features, it is Laravel that stands out. Owing to the built-in tools for the login of the users, web page direction, user sessions, and data storage, the web application will become comprehensive as well as user-centric.

Final words

Both Django as well as Laravel provide extraordinary potential for web application development. However,  Django is Leaning on Python while at the same time Laravel is using PHP. And it is this particular distinction that is causing the variations in the features as well as the libraries that it is providing. The Django will be providing the increase in speed, scalability, as well as upkeep boasting the features for example the decorators as well as the SEO tools. The  Laravel however is shining in terms of user friendliness along with the straightforward capabilities which includes the strategic infusion.

If you are looking forward to navigating through the Laravel or  Django framework, then you should reach out to our company App Tag solution. Our company employs the best java specialists who are utilizing the django laravel framework towards the highest standards and assisting you in choosing the best options for your unique requirements! Hire Laravel developers from our company & get your application up and running fast!

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  • Which is better  Django vs Laravel for my project?

The decision to choose between Laravel or Django is dependent upon the unit requirements of your project. Django serves as a go-to solution if you are after solid security as well as handling information loads. On the opposite side, if you are looking forward to getting the application up and running quickly or you are looking forward to crafting APIs, then Laravel can be your much better alley.

  • Are  Laravel or Django back-end or front-end frameworks?

Laravel & Django act as the back-end frameworks, open source as well as assisting out in developing the most exceptional backend for the unique web application.

  • Is Django still holding relevance in year 2024?

Definitely yes! Django is still holding relevance in the year 2024 the way it was popular in the previous years. In fact, Django has already demonstrated considerable growth potential with a continuation in the upsurge in the growth as well as among the developers community.

  • How much security does Laravel provide?

Laravel provides several security measures which include protection against CSRF attacks, encryption, password hashing, preventing SQL injection attacks, and much more. The ecosystem will include several reliable packages and also there takes place the security assessment for the third-party packages and this is crucial before the incorporation of everything into the projects.

  • Are  Laravel or Django backend or front-end frameworks?

Both Laravel & Django are serving as the backend frameworks as they will be providing strong server-side coding. So this is dealing with business logic as well as database management.