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ClickFunnels vs WordPress 2024 In-Depth Comparison: Which One Is Better?

  • Post published:10 May 2024

Did you know that more than 40% of websites are created on WordPress. This striking percentage is itself a testament to -the immense popularity as well as the versatility of the website building platform. But there have also other platforms for the creation of websites, landing pages along sales funnels for quite some time now. As of now for the whole world, the choices come down between ClickFunnels vs WordPress. These are the two striking and extremely powerful platforms that assist individuals in creating sites for seeking a greater level of conversations on digital assets. 

The ClickFunnels today is another rapidly growing platform that is acquiring traction, having a user base of 100,000+ entrepreneurs globally. Both of these platforms are already being established as world leaders in their respective domains. 

However, whenever it comes to the choice of picking up the right platform, wordpress vs ClickFunnels for your unique business and goals, this is somewhat a challenging decision to make for the entrepreneur. 

In this blogpost, let’s review the comparison between ClickFunnels vs WordPress, how much is the wordpress and ClickFunnels price, it’s usability, customization so that you will be able to pick up the most appropriate marketing funnel platform for your unique website:

 Overview of ClickFunnels vs WordPress 

Today every business intends the creation of the strong presence online. And thus it is all about picking the right funnel platform for developing the website which can make a whole lot of difference. Looking at wordpress vs ClickFunnels, both serve distinct purposes, they are quite popular tools in the whole of the digital arena today globally. Let’s have a glance to have a more detailed comparison of ClickFunnels vs WordPress

WordPress vs ClickFunnels- What is click funnels

The designing and development of the site with click funnels with some of the specific goals keeping in mind- which is the creation of the high converting sales funnels. 

Thus it is acting as the go-to platform for businesses that are intending to create a streamlined path for converting visitors into end consumers. The click funnels offer a comprehensive array of templates as well as the drag and drop features which will make it convenient for setting up the most effective marketing funnels. 

And this is even for the newbies or the people who have little or no technical expertise. The main strength of the click funnels is relying upon the adoption of the extremely focused approach which is the guidance rendered to the potential customers while moving through the well-structured sales journey.

WordPress vs Click funnels- WordPress- versatile site builder

As far as WordPress is concerned, it is acting as an extremely versatile and sophisticated CMS( content management system) which is well known for its high flexibility as well as scalability. Being powered by the most significant component of the internet, WordPress facilitates users the creation of almost everything ranging from simple blogging to the most complicated E-commerce website. 

Owing to its open-source nature, there is a provision for picking up from the array of themes as well as plugins, making everything fully customizable to match the array of business requirements. The wordpress is most suitable for all those individuals who need comprehensive sites with many different functionalities and not just sales funnels.

ClickFunnels vs WordPress- Key differences

  • wordpress vs ClickFunnels: Purpose

WordPress is an extremely versatile and powerful platform is focuses on creating fully-fledged websites. On the other hand, click funnels focus on creating sales funnels.

  • WordPress vs click funnels: usability feature

The wordpress setup initially is much more involved in comparison to what the beginners might be anticipating. This includes the choice of the hosting provider, theme installation, theme customization, funnel creation, content inputting, cross-platform, and testing Browser. 

The amazing thing is that the wordpress community is embedded with an array of online resources, and tutorials which is making it relatively convenient for all the users to speed up the editing of their website on WordPress. 

The ClickFunnels incorporate the visual editor which makes it extremely convenient for all beginners to design and edit the funnels and that too within the real time. This funnel platform provides an array of templates as well as pre-built funnels. 

The pre-built modules will essentially be capable of eliminating the requirement for having coding skills, making so convenient and quick for anyone to create a fully functional web page.

  •  wordpress vs ClickFunnels: Convenience

As far as the comparison between click funnels vs WordPress is concerned in terms of the convenience of usage, the first one is providing a quite straightforward, user-friendly platform for the creation of the funnel. On the other hand, WordPress, having a myriad of provisions comprises a steeper learning curve making it quite popular even among the newbies.

  • click funnels vs WordPress: Customisation

The wordpress provides a high level of customization provisions owing to the open source nature as well as the most extensive plug-in ecosystem. Looking at its counterpart, click funnels comprised of limited customization provisions. It comes with prebuilt funnels as well as templates for the creation of digital products in a convenient manner. 

However, the user is having the limitation to what has been offered by the team of ClickFunnels. Impressively there is incorporation of the span funnel building, CRM along with the e-commerce.

  • WordPress vs ClickFunnels price

WordPress is free of cost site builder except for hosting as well as premium themes or plugins which makes it more effective in comparison to the click funnels. The ClickFunnels operate on the subscription-based model and this makes it quite expensive for long-term utilization.

  • WordPress vs click funnels: blogging feature

The efficiency of the blogging as well as the capabilities are the two crucial factors for consideration while picking up the right website platform. The wordpress is undeniably the best platform for blogging. It is dominating the whole of the market through the most comprehensive suite of the publishing tools. 

The WordPress CMS is also equipped with user user-friendly editor which will facilitate them to create as well as publish all the content with immense ease. The ClickFunnel’s strength lies in its capability to create the high conversion sales funnels. However, concerning click funnels vs WordPress, there are limitations as far as the publishing tools are concerned. 

However, there has been incorporation of all new blogging engines since the launch of the ClickFunnels 2.0. It provides the users with the capability of creating as well as publishing the post through a user-friendly editing environment.

  • Click funnels versus WordPress: e-commerce

The wordpress as everyone knows has already established itself as one of the extremely versatile CMS most ideal for the setting up of online stores. Owing to its seamless integration with the most renowned plugins taken from Woocommerce, WordPress has already transformed itself from just being a blogging platform to a market-recognized E-Commerce platform. 

On the other hand, click funnels, are comprised of the functionality of e-commerce which is embedded directly within the platform. This facilitates all the users for setting up and managing the online store without the addition of the plugins/ coding experience.

  •  wordpress vs click funnels: Security feature

The major advantage of the wordpress is that it is an open-source framework. However, it also comes with the limitation that the user holds responsibility for its digital assets. One of the most recently updated versions of the wordpress is running which is keeping the system safe and secure through the new release address called vulnerabilities. This is capable of securing the platform against any sort of emerging threats. 

While drawing the comparison between WordPress vs click funnels, the latter is a SaaS platform that is responsible for safeguarding the website. This is acting as a hands-off approach extending a complete piece of mind to the user that they no longer have to worry about adopting the appropriate security measures.

 The click funnels are extending the security measures which include an SSL certificate along with the two-factor authentication. This collectively will ensure that the user website and the data are secure from vulnerabilities and potential threats.

click funnels vs WordPress examples

real-life click funnel examples

Here are a few of the best real-life click funnel examples:

  • PKP School
  • Shout University
  • Startup Bros
  • Smart Insights
  • Seedbed
  • IdeaPad

Real-life WordPress examples of big brands

  • Awesome Motive
  • Houston Zoo
  • Grette
  • SeedProd
  • WPForms
  • BlogTyrant
  • The New York Times

WordPress vs click funnels price: how much is the cost?

The cost is a major consideration when deciding upon the platform creation of a website. A calculation carried out by the WebFX enlisted that the average cost of creating a professionally developed and small business site ranges anywhere between $2000-$9000 having an annual cost of between $400-$1200. And it is quite easy to justify such while recognizing the mission-critical aspects included within the modern website.

 Ideally, anyone would be looking forward to minimizing the cost associated with creating a website or choosing the funnel builder while at the same time retaining the best of the features as well as general capabilities. Let’s find out how the cost of funnels and WordPress stack up.

How much does wordpress cost?

As far as wordpress is concerned, it is an open source software and this entails the core technology is free of cost. However, there is a cost which is associated with the use of this site builder. On average and minimum, the user will be spending around $20/year on buying a domain and anywhere between $5/mo to $75/mo on the website hosting.

 The cost of the website hosting will be dependent upon the nature of the provider you choose along with the hosting type like shared hosting vs VPN hosting/ dedicated hosting. Apart from the price which is associated with the purchase of hosting and domain registration, the user is also required to buy premium themes as well as plugins. And this is where they will be able to transform this powerful blogging CMS into a complete and fully-fledged funnel builder.

WordPress Vs click funnels: how much is click funnels price?

The click funnels platform is coming up with three of the plans for the businesses to pick up based on their unique scaling requirements.  There is a basic plan that includes the foundational features of this platform costing $147/month. This will include a single website, 20 funnels, a single admin user, a single domain, three courses, and 1000 contacts as well as students. 

There is another plan called the Pro plan with a click funnels price of $ 197. While including whatever is there in the basic plan there is a high usage limit along with the additional features. For $197/ month, the users will be getting a single website, 100 funnels, and five admin users along with the usage on three of the domains. This plan will include 15 courses, 1000 students as well as 2500 contacts.

 There is the last and highest package cost of click funnels, known as the Funnel Hacker Plan. It includes everything which is there in the Pro plan but there is action of higher limits and the most advanced features. 

So, by spending $297/month, the users will be getting the three websites, unlimited funnels, 15 admin users, neutralization across 9 domains, and the most advanced analytics. This plan will include 200 courses, 20000 students as well as 200000 contacts.


Hope this guide provides you with an overview of an depth comparison of ClickFunnels vs WordPress. In terms of cost, wordpress is more affordable starting with the free option. The click funnel price falls in the higher range, but at the same time, it provides an array of tools, and features which are capable of justifying the investment for some kind of business. Also, it is important to take into consideration the technical expertise that is needed for every website builder platform. 

Looking at click funnels vs WordPress, the first one is developed to become quite user-friendly and there is no need for the prior technical skills. The second option WordPress provides a greater degree of customization and flexibility. However, it needs a high level of technical expertise. both of them prices of the striking unique features, benefits as well as limitations thereby meeting the needs of different businesses.

 The click funnels are an excellent choice and serve as an all-in-one solution for sales funnels. Looking at WordPress is a powerful and versatile site builder having extensive customization provisions. Ultimately, which one to choose -wordpress vs ClickFunnels is dependent upon the unique business needs as well as goal. 

Hire ClickFunnels & WordPress developer from our company, App Tag Solutions

Hire the best WordPress developers from our company, App Tag Solutions who will be creating stunning websites with a high level of agility and speed.  Get ready to leverage the power of the world-class WordPress or click funnels website or applications with amazing designs, striking features, and comprehensive flexibility while serving the value of differentiating your business from the crowd & taking it to the next level of success!

 For further inquiries and questions, connect to our executives today!

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  • Is WordPress incorporating funnel builder?

No, WordPress is not incorporating the funnel builder as a built-in solution. However, there are many different plugins utilized for transforming your unique wordpress website into a powerful sales funnel platform.

  • Is it possible to utilize the click funnels with the WordPress platform?

Yes there is a possibility of using the wordpress click funnels plugin for facilitating the platforms of complimenting one another. Once set up, click funnels will be handling the funnel part, along with the landing page with its publishing in WordPress.

  • WordPress vs click funnels: Which one is better?

The choice between the two: click funnels vs WordPress is dependent upon the unique goals, budget & level of control desired by the user. In case you need a customizable platform with the scope of growth and scalability, then wordpress is the perfect choice. It provides unparalleled versatility, and this is what makes it a perfect option for any tailored website/ funnel. 

On the other hand, the click funnels are offering far fewer customizable provisions. However, the presence of the SaaS format makes it perfect for devising funnels and web pages without the requirement of coding knowledge.

  • Click funnels vs WordPress: Which one is more customizable?

The wordpress has high customizability in comparison to the click funnels. there is the incorporation of an assortment of themes, and plugins, and being open source in nature, it facilitates the creation of bespoke sites. On the other hand, Click Funnels comprises extraordinary features and customization that are beyond the basic setting.

  • WordPress vs click funnels: which is more cost-effective?

The click funnels price less in comparison to WordPress. There is a flat monthly charge without anchoring the developmental cost. However, in the long run, wordpress proves to be more cost-effective. Apart from the developmental price to pay, there is ongoing monthly hosting as well as a lower plugin price.